For our midterm in Biomechanics, Eric Hagan and I would like to implement two separate data collections of the human gait: extension and flexion of the knee joint, and recording the moment of footfall within the gait.
The knee data will be taken with a potentiometer attached to armatures that go both up and down the leg and attached to a standard knee brace. As the knee joint swings back and forth, the potentiometer oscillates and records serial data.
The footfalls will be recorded by FSRs mounted to the user's shoe soles. Every heel strike will be registered and recorded for the subsequent physical representation.
The collected data from each leg will be separately graphed, with the curved potentiometer data on one side, and the spiky heel strike data from the FSR on the other side.
Once the data visualization from both legs are cut from the laser cutter or the CNC, they can be physically mated, and the spaces between the curves and spikes can allow the user to see the eccentricity of their gait.